Friday 18 November 2011

Nullarbor Links 15 - 18 November 2011

Ian decided to play the Nullarbor Links(The Longest Golf Course in the world from Kalgoorlie in WA to Ceduna in SA). We thought it would be a great way to break up the journey across the Nullarbor.....and it was. We got to see a few interesting sites off the beaten track and stretch our legs every few hundred kilometres or so.
Ian putting on the Nullarbor Roadhouse hole.

About to hit off on the 1st at Kalgoorlie....nice green tee and green.... seemed normal enough.

About to hit off on the 3rd hole at Kambalda...a slight change in the tee and....

......'green'. The kids caddied for dad so also endured the heat,rain and horse flies.
We almost stood on a goanna on the Kambalda fairway but thankfully didn't see any snakes.

At each hole there is some history about the local area and usually a hole is dedicated to a local person who has made a significant contribution to the region. The story about the Nullarbor Nymph is a classic and worth a look.     

Looking down the fairway at the Nullarbor Roadhouse. We ran into Charlie who was also playing the Links. Notice the two clubs on the back of the bike. A 3 and 8 iron. That's all he used...hit a better score than me (Ian).

A mound and hole in the middle of the fairway.
 Didn't cause any problems for me as I didn't hit the fairway on this hole!

Last putt on the 18th! Was hoping it would be a real green.

The 19th!
That's Charlie who was on the bike...caught up for a few more beers later on.
It was a long and unique 18 holes.

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