Friday 11 November 2011

Karri Trees Pemberton 30 October 2011

Pemberton area is renown for three famous climbing trees. These trees were originally used as fire lookout trees. The last tree we climbed is still used as a fire lookout.

Jodie and Chloe on the first platform 25 metres up the Bicentennial Tree.

The 75 metre Bicentennial Tree, the tallest climbing tree in the world.

Andrew and Chloe on the  metal rods used as the ladder.

The view looking down...we tried not to look.

The view from the top of the Bicentennial Tree. You did feel 'on top' of the forest.

Jodie reaching the top of the second tree we climbed, The 61 metre Gloucester Tree.

We made it!

A big effort from Andrew as well on the top of Gloucester Tree.

Chloe at the base of the tree.

The final tree we climbed was the 51 metre Diamond Tree.

The Diamond Tree.

We all made it up various stages of each tree. It was challenging reaching these heights especially without any safety gear! 

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