Sunday 13 November 2011

Esperance 11, 12, 13 November 2011

We found a coffee shop called 'Ollies'. We have two nephews called Oliver so we had to go in for a drink.

The kids thought they were in heaven.

The famous jetty that Sam the Sea lion lives under.
They also say it is easy to catch squid off this luck.

Sam didn't seem to mind the kids and others taking photos and getting close.

What you looking at Chloe. You know I'm cute!

We went on the Ocean Drive  a 40 km loop on the western side of Esperance.
This is Twilight Cove voted the best beach in WA.

Blue Haven Beach on the loop.

The board walks were well made but loooooonnnnnnggggg.

Oh yes we finally got rid of some of that hair in Esperance!

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