Friday 9 September 2011

80 Mile Beach - 5 Sept 2011

When we first reached the beach it was approaching high tide.
There were fishermen as far as the eye could see... north and south! 
We were disappointed that we couldn't have a swim.

Ian managed to find a spot and caught a Bluenose Salmon.
The pressure was off as they say if you can't catch a fish off 80 mile beach you can't catch a fish!
It tasted great!

No caption needed.

Mineral Water?

A playful Chloe with Dad's sunnies.


  1. Hey Guys
    Sarah and I just sat down and had a catch up of your trip and where you are at the moment. Looks like you are having a great time. Hard to believe you are nearly half way through your trip. Loving the pictures and your captions.

    Sheppard Family.

  2. The pic of Jo looking out over the sunset is the picture of the blog so far (according to netti) Well done!
    Chloe... love the attitude!
    Keep enjoying.
    Much Love The Rostrons

  3. So good to keep up to date with the travel pics Jodes and Co! Looks like you are having an amzing time. Thank you very much for my birthday cards too Jodes! You are incredible. Continue having the time of your lives- hope you're not missing work too much!
    You're in my prayers often.
    Megs x
