Sunday 18 September 2011

Tom Price Mine Tour - 10 Sept 2011

Tom Price was close to Karijini so we thought we would drop in and have a look. We found the local library and picked up some second hand books and spent an hour or so reading or catching up on emails. We decided to go on the mine tour the following day. Some mind blowing stats...

We all had to wear a hard hat and safety glasses when we were off the!

Part of the open cut mine we were shown.

One of these truck tyres weighs three and a half tonnes....that's more than our van fully loaded!

Had to pay to get dressed up.

All the machinery was huge...the kids have grown despite the picture.

The tour went for over an hour and a half. We were shown many of the workings of the mine and were lucky enough to see many trucks doing their thing dumping ore into the crushers and on to the stock piles. The ore is then railed to the coast on trains with 240 carriages. 

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