Tuesday 25 October 2011

Kings Park, Perth 25 October 2011

King's Park lays claim to the biggest inner city park in the world!

We headed up Jacob's Ladder some 222 steps to start our walk. We climbed it once, but others were using it as an exercise apparatus running up and down it several times!

Wild flowers and a neat display to set the scene for what was a very well organised and historic park.

Chloe and Andrew trying out 'Whispering Wall'. It really worked well. We later found out that Wave Rock also carried the sound incredibly well.

We went on a tour where Roz our guide gave us a detailed insight into the plants and  history of the park.  The mosaics were also beautifully done.

Federation Bridge gave us a great view of the Swan River.

The entrance into Nature Scape. This had only been open the week we arrived in Perth. It is a special new section of Kings Park where kids are encouraged to get back into nature.

The kids rated the upside down tree rope climb the best.

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