Friday 12 August 2011

Bungle Bungles

We had a huge couple of days at the Bungle Bungle Ranges.                        

This was the first real test for our Landcruiser with many significant creek crossings and some rough roads heading into  Purnululu  National Park. We are very spoilt with the Cruiser as it handles the terrain very well in comfort.

Without a tent we decided to head into the park over night and sleep under the stars. This was a first for the kids and although a bit apprehensive they were still very excited.

Some amazing scenery........ 

At a lookout with some Bungles behind us.
Piccaninny Creek went through the Bungle Ranges making spectacular viewing.
We had to walk along this creek bed to get to the lookout.
Sunset above our campsite with a glass of bubbles to help capture the moment!
Our campsite for the night sleeping under the stars. It was almost a full moon and we heard dingos howling in the distance. 
One of the 17 creek crossings on the way into and out of the National Park
The 'kids' showing their own "Bungle Bungles".
A view upwards from the 'Mini Palm Gorge"

The Echidna Chasm was especially spectacular when the sun was directly above the gap.

1 comment:

  1. great photos - most impressed with Andrew's planking, but the kids are a bit concerned with pornographic content - Darty's swim to the other side of gorge!
    Harry says "nice Bungle Bungles guys!"
    Jimmy says "Darty, did you swim across there naked????"
    Ellie says "I hope you enjoy your holiday around Australia! I can't wait to see you again - in my new bedroom! See you later Chloe".
    Travel safe guys, & keep posting, we are enjoying the photos!
