Tuesday 30 August 2011

26 August Ian's Fishing Trip - Broome

A "Chinaman" 73 cm long....a sensational day....Yes I did hook this one!

It was a beautiful day with little to no wind for much of the afternoon. We saw more than 20 pods of whales, turtles, sea snakes and dolphins.

The sharks were about trying to get an easy feed. Clint wasn't going to let the Hammerhead away with that and forced the shark to let go of this Snapper.

Heading home after a very successful day fishing...
"they were on"!

The crew

On the beach about to head back for the clean up.
They say Broome gets into your blood...not hard to tell why.

24 July Edith Falls

The lower Edith Falls.

After a long hot walk we were rewarded with this view and a beautiful cool swim.

The top Edith Falls

The boys under the falls.

Looking down stream.

Andrew on top of one of the rock walls.

22 -25 August Dampier Peninsula

After a weekend of exploring Broome and spending some time catching up with our cousins Elisabeth, Clint their son Curtis and daughter Michaela we packed some camping gear and headed north to the Dampier Peninsula. We couldn't head up the coast due to bush fires so we planned our first night at Middle Lagoon.
We first travelled along 90 km of unsealed road and 30 km of bitumen, Next we headed west along a 33 km stretch of sandy track. It reminded us of middle track on Moreton Island.

For the same cost as an unpowered site we decided to take the beach shack.

Wasn't going to take the car onto the sand until....

Our  view.

Basic dinner by head light.

Sunset Middle Lagoon Style

After a night at Middle Lagoon we headed up to Cape Leveque.

The kids were very excited about sleeping in their own Dome Tent. 

Another swim in beautiful water.

We were ready to head back to Broome after a visit to One Arm Point and Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm but..... we couldn't pass up a Sunset Cruise that included dinner.
The Amphibius Craft took us from the Reception, along the road to the mud flats, across the flats to the water and straight on to the water where the Catamaran was some 500m off shore. On the way home it took us from the boat straight to our cars. All without getting our feet wet! A sensational start and finish to the cruise.

Chloe and Jodie taking it all in.

The whole family dreaming this was ours.

Getting the feet wet.

The best sunset so far....Ian reckons

On the third night we finally used our own Mossie Dome tent. We stayed on an Aboriginal property that was owned by a man called Unja. It turns out that Clint ( Our cousin ) knows him well and worked with Unja....a small world.

Our camp site night three at One Arm Point on the  Dampier Peninsular.

Jodie walking out in the crystal clear water.
Unja told us that he walks out in this area during low tide and simply picks up the Mud crabs.


Friday 26 August 2011

18- 31 August Broome Cable Beach

Our first stop in Broome was Cable Beach....magic!

Chloe and Andrew in the irresistable water.

The girls about to head down to the beach.

Quality father son/daughter time!
Can't say I was thinking about my day job.

Even an 'average' sunset is gorgeous !

Outside the lifesaving club at sunset...is that another sparkling Jodie?

Tuesday 16 August 2011

16 August Tunnel Creek

Today we drove on the infamous Gibb River Road...although half of the trip was on bitumen.
We explored a cave known as Tunnel Creek where you need to have a torch and togs as you have to wade through water up to waist deep. Apparently we were sharing the cave with fresh water crocs, snakes and bats....we only saw and heard the bats! It was a unique, exhilarating, nerve racking but fun adventure.

Entering the cave. In the last picture Ian had a dip in the pool on the left.

Andrew and Chloe were well prepared with their head torches......thanks Ma

The beautiful scenery at the other end of Tunnel Creek.

About to head back into the darkness and cold water. The top of the cave littered with stalactites.  


Halfway through the cave was an opening where we could see where we were going without the torches.

Ian ..... never to miss an opportunity for a swim.

Friday 12 August 2011

Bungle Bungles

We had a huge couple of days at the Bungle Bungle Ranges.                        

This was the first real test for our Landcruiser with many significant creek crossings and some rough roads heading into  Purnululu  National Park. We are very spoilt with the Cruiser as it handles the terrain very well in comfort.

Without a tent we decided to head into the park over night and sleep under the stars. This was a first for the kids and although a bit apprehensive they were still very excited.

Some amazing scenery........ 

At a lookout with some Bungles behind us.
Piccaninny Creek went through the Bungle Ranges making spectacular viewing.
We had to walk along this creek bed to get to the lookout.
Sunset above our campsite with a glass of bubbles to help capture the moment!
Our campsite for the night sleeping under the stars. It was almost a full moon and we heard dingos howling in the distance. 
One of the 17 creek crossings on the way into and out of the National Park
The 'kids' showing their own "Bungle Bungles".
A view upwards from the 'Mini Palm Gorge"

The Echidna Chasm was especially spectacular when the sun was directly above the gap.